A Day Of Delight: Panacea Annual Picnic Last Monday on 1st January, 2024, Panacea Education Foundation took a break from their usual routine to celebrate their awaited annual picnic. Held at Gorakhnath Mandir, Lalitpur, the day was a delightful mix of laughter, fun and motivation. Starting the picnic day with national anthem, everyone joined in for dance and delicious breakfast. The main event of the picnic was the classic picnic games (hot ball, race, message pass) with a little twist. There was individual and group performance by students and staffs showing their talents. Both the students and staffs were seen in excitement and enjoyment throughout the games. Also, The prize for Panacea JLPT Preparation Exam was provided for both N4 and N5 level. For N5 level, Sapana Rai, Khushi Lama, Indira Rajbhandari and for N4 level, Yam Bahadur Magar, Humala Bastola, Zeena Shrestha received their prize of first, second and third respectively. Their acheivement and happiness motivated all other students to dedicate their effort and time for Japanese Language proficiency. The picnic featured three-time delicious meal (breakfast, snacks and lunch) with unlimited tea, cold drinks and water. Not just that, separate apetizing food were provided for vegetarians. Every student were seen enjoying their food together specially momos, local mutton and chicken roast. There was continue dance and music between the games, performances and food. It brought the perfect opportunity for everyone to get to know each other a little better. In the end, everyone packed their picnic gear and started cleaning the picnic area. The day flew by in a blur of smiles and shared moments. It wasn’t just about the games or the food; it was about building connections and creating lasting memories. The Panacea Annual Picnic had proven to be more than just a day out – it was a celebration of the Panacea family